Specimens Showcase

During the semester’s ~15 weeks, I will [try to] bring a sample of different physical/printed type specimens to class.

The only criteria are that they have to be bound books, booklets, magazines, journals, newspapers, or another book (ish) or editorial-based media, as students themselves will have to design and present for their typeface, at the end of the semester.

Class 1, 2022-01-08
  • Adobe Originals: Garamond Pro and Arno;
  • Shinntype: Modern Suite;
  • ITC: Friz Quadrata, Avangarde Gothic, Lubalin Graph, ITC Caslon;
  • Stempel: Clarendon, Eurostile;
  • Bauer: Bodoni;
  • Lettergieterij Amsterdam: Bodoni
Class 2, 2022-02-15
Specimens to be added soon…
Class 3, 2022-02-22
Specimens to be added soon…
Class 4, 2022-03-08
Specimens to be added soon…