Type Specimen Test Sheet

Check out this very complete (and very useful) type specimen testing template [sheet] from Type Heist: https://typeheist.co/blog/type-testing-template/ This is the template I use to test all Typeheist fonts. As I added more and more characters and multi-linguals, I needed an easy way to test my typefaces without recreating the same thing each time (or worse… Continue reading Type Specimen Test Sheet

Redaction: an original approach to variable font masters

This year’s edition of the Fontstand Conference was an amazing one-day event! The culture, design, and typefaces presented by internationally acclaimed type designers were mind-blowing. One such presentation was Jeremy Mickel’s. He presented us with this fantastic typeface. As a hybrid revival of Times and Century, it is an excellent Case Study to be further… Continue reading Redaction: an original approach to variable font masters

Unbounded: a new open source variable font

Unbounded, a recent typeface constitutes the kind of work expected from FBAUP’s typeface design students. Especially considering the contents and presentation in the interactive digital specimen. Although not explicitly sourced from historical exemplars (thus… not really a revival as we do in the master’s course), the type specimen presents the concept, anatomy features, character set,… Continue reading Unbounded: a new open source variable font

Communication Arts award for Loretta Type Familly

The Loretta typeface family, designed by Joana Correia and Abel Martins — a former award-winning student from the MDGPE master program—, now working with Joana Correia at Nova Type Foundry, was awarded a Communication Arts (CA) prize in the 2022 Typography competition. A heartfelt congratulations to both, and a special thank you for promoting the… Continue reading Communication Arts award for Loretta Type Familly

Results from the calligraphy workshop

Maíra Woloszyn introducing the main concepts and author references for contemporary calligraphy

In the past week, we hosted a calligraphy workshop, lectured by the visiting Design teacher and Ph.D. researcher Maíra Woloszyn. It was a one-day workshop, divided into two morning and afternoon sessions, where participants created their own tools —in order to better understand the relation between the stroke mark and its tool marker—, and were… Continue reading Results from the calligraphy workshop

Calligraphy Workshop

Foundational Hand calligraphy exemplar by Maíra Woloszyn.

On Wednesday, January 19, we’ll host and conduct a calligraphy workshop with our guest teacher and Ph.D. researcher Maíra Woloszyn. The workshop is geared towards beginner and intermediate practitioners, from all fields of art and design. But it is especially focused on the type design and designers as it aims to provide specific knowledge on… Continue reading Calligraphy Workshop

Categorized as News


The 11th edition of the Typography Meeting (@encontrodetipografia) took place at Caldas da Rainha, from November 25 to 27. The program included very expressive participation from the FBAUP’s students (mainly the MDGPE’s students) and a Ph.D. researcher. In total, we conducted two workshops, presented three papers, and exhibited four posters. As usual, the conference started… Continue reading FBAUP @ 11ET

Typographic Identities (Ph.D. presentation)

Proposed model of intermediation of place typography.

Today, Thursday, September 9 a UFSC/FBAUP Ph.D. examination will take place online, at 1:30 pm. This is a very interesting a relevant research to the Type Design course of the MDGPE master program mainly because the candidate —the researcher and soon to be professor Eduardo Napoleão— has not only actively participated in our type design… Continue reading Typographic Identities (Ph.D. presentation)

GT Academy: Type Design Tutorials

GT Academy: Lesson 12: Spacing

The Grilli Type Foundry has been publishing a series of small bite-sized tutorials on type design: the GT Academy. Currently, it features 17 “issues” published ranging from drawing basics to advanced optical compensations. It starts in a slightly different approach from ours: with the letter “a”. But then, the method is almost the same. Starting… Continue reading GT Academy: Type Design Tutorials