Typographic Identities (Ph.D. presentation)

Proposed model of intermediation of place typography.
Proposed model of intermediation of place typography.

Today, Thursday, September 9 a UFSC/FBAUP Ph.D. examination will take place online, at 1:30 pm.

This is a very interesting a relevant research to the Type Design course of the MDGPE master program mainly because the candidate —the researcher and soon to be professor Eduardo Napoleão— has not only actively participated in our type design classes during the school year of 2019-20 —observing activities such as the SLOType workshop, and teaching technical seminars such as the Glyphs components—, co-organized events — such as the Post-Digital Letterpress Printing—, and co-authored research within the i2ADS / ID+ ongoing research.

He has been a truly kind and generous colleague and student.

The Ph.D presentation will focus on presenting a case study about typography (Type Design) and its relation with (geographical/cultural) places, in which several Portuguese cases —from designers such as Rui Abreu and Ricardo Santos— are approached.

A special mention should be made to the collaboration to the presentation he made — and subsequent project assignment — at the Web Design II course of the Graphic Design degree. In response to this assignment, a specific group of students —Diogo Sequeira, Margarida Silva, and Mariana Carvalhais— developed a prototype of an application of the model he developed in the Ph.D.

Lastly, there are many topics that will be presented and discussed that are of the utmost importance. But, if it were only possible to highlight one final aspect, it would be the presence of Prof. Priscila Lena Farias as one of the elements of the Jury that will open the discussion. She is a designer, teacher, and researcher, of indisputable importance in the field of Luso-Brazilian type design that will honor us with her presence.


Identidades Tipográficas: Modelo de suporte ao projeto tipográfico para lugares.

[auto-translation] Typographic Identities: A model to support typographic design for places)

Eduardo Napoleão

September 9th (Thursday) at 09:30 (BR) / 13:30 (PT)

Prof. Priscila Lena Farias
Prof. Joana Maria Ferreira Pacheco Quental
Prof. Heitor Manuel P. da Cunha e Alvelos
Prof. Maria José Baldessar
Prof. Francisco A. P. Fialho

Prof. Gilson Braviano (Chairman, Advisor)
Prof. Pedro Manuel Reis Amado (Co-Chairman / Advisor)

Resumo (Abstract below)
O imaginário dos lugares nos quais habitamos é constituído por uma grande quantidade de informações visuais. Inserida nesse universo, está a cultura tipográfica, na qual o type designer é responsável por transformar esse conjunto de sensações em projetos tipográficos. 

Dependendo da sua função, os tipos podem ser materializados a partir do uso de materiais diversos, impressos, esculpidos e também digitalizados. Eles são utilizados como parte da comunicação de serviços, produtos, identidades visuais ou sinalizações, representando diferentes valores, períodos históricos e linguagens. 

A presente pesquisa, de abordagem qualitativa, suportada pela fundamentação teórica, pesquisa de campo, coleta e análise de dados, tem como objetivo geral desenvolver um modelo de suporte ao projeto tipográfico para lugares. Para isso, foram identificadas características bibliográficas provenientes da relação entre tipografia e lugares, e também elencados atributos destacados por profissionais da área para o desenvolvimento de fontes digitais criadas para lugares, a partir da realização de entrevistas. 

O conteúdo das entrevistas foi organizado em torno de conjuntos chamados de Dimensões Tipográficas de Lugar. Ao final, foi possível estruturar um modelo de suporte ao projeto tipográfico para lugares, chamado de Modelo de Intermediação da Tipografia de Lugar, o qual busca nortear as decisões dos type designers e estimular práticas de projeto tipográfico que estejam relacionadas com os lugares. Ele está composto por três faces, sendo (1) Face Processual, (2) Face Dimensional, e (3) Face Contextual, e não prevê a existência de níveis hierárquicos entre as faces, assim como entre as dimensões propostas, promovendo a inter-relação entre suas diferentes realidades. Um dos seus elementos, indicado como Interface de Intermediação das Dimensões da Tipografia de Lugar, foi prototipado como forma de exemplificar a criação de uma interface gráfica relacionada ao tema e ao modelo proposto. 

Assim, a relação entre tipografia e lugar pode ser percebida a partir do uso ou construção de ferramentas tipográficas, de estudos culturais, da linguística, da construção de narrativas, assim como estabelecer relações históricas, arquitetônicas, territoriais ou populares. Dentre as funções identificadas como parte da relação entre tipografia e lugares, também está a de manutenção ou preservação de idiomas.

Palavras-chave: Design de tipos. Tipografia e lugar. Tipografia e cultura.


Abstract (auto-translated)
The imagination of the places in which we inhabit is made up of a large amount of visual information. Inserted in this universe is the typographic culture, in which the type designer is responsible for transforming this set of sensations into typographic projects.

Depending on their function, type can be materialized from the use of various materials, printed, sculpted, and also digitalized. They are used as part of the communication of services, products, visual identities, or signs, representing different values, historical periods, and languages.

The present research, of qualitative approach, supported by the theoretical foundation, field research, and data collection and analysis, has as its general objective to develop a model to support the typographic project for places. To this end, we identified bibliographic characteristics related to the relationship between typography and places, and also listed attributes highlighted by professionals in the area for the development of digital fonts created for places, based on interviews.

The content of the interviews was organized around sets called Typographic Dimensions of Place. In the end, it was possible to structure a model to support typographic design for places, called the Intermediacy Model of Place Typography, which seeks to guide type designers’ decisions and stimulate typographic design practices that are related to places. It is composed of three faces, being (1) Process Face, (2) Dimensional Face, and (3) Contextual Face, and does not foresee the existence of hierarchical levels among the faces, as well as among the proposed dimensions, promoting the interrelation among its different realities. One of its elements, indicated as Interface for Intermediating the Dimensions of Place Typography, was prototyped as a way to exemplify the creation of a graphic interface related to the theme and the proposed model.

Thus, the relationship between typography and place can be perceived from the use or construction of typographic tools, cultural studies, linguistics, the construction of narratives, as well as establishing historical, architectural, territorial or popular relationships. Among the functions identified as part of the relationship between typography and places is also that of language maintenance or preservation.

Keywords: Type design. Typography and place. Typography and culture.

By Pedro Amado

Pedro Amado. Assistant Professor at FBAUP. Integrated researcher of the i2ADS research institute.